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Η Ανόρθωση Αμμοχώστου
Καλαθόσφαιρα ανακοινώνει την έναρξη συνεργασίας για 1+1+1 χρόνια με την διεθνή καλαθοσφαιρίστρια Tijana Raca .
Η ύψους 1.83 forward έκανε το ξεκίνημα της από την Κύπρο και την ομάδα της ΑΕΛ.Μεσολαβησε τετραετές πέρασμα από ομαδες στην Ελλάδα ενώ τα τελευταία 4 χρόνια αγωνίζονταν με το πανεπιστήμιο Wyoming όπου μέτρησε 45 συμμετοχές στο NCAA.
Ευχόμαστε στην Tijana πολλές επιτυχίες και την καλοσωριζουμε στην μεγάλη οικογένεια την Ανόρθωσις .
Ο πρόεδρος και το Δ.Σ της Ανόρθωσις Αμμοχωστου
Καλαθοσφαιρα είναι στην ευχάριστη θέση να ανακοινώσουν την έναρξη όλων των απαραίτητων διαδικασίων για την δημιουργία και συμμετοχή Γυναικείας ομάδας Καλαθόσφαιρας με την καινούργια αγωνιστική περίοδο 2019-2020. > Η απόφαση είναι Ειλημμένη και όλος ο οργανισμός του τμήματος μας εργάζεται προς αυτήν την κατεύθυνση. > Πρόκειται για μια ιστορική απόφαση αφού για πρώτη φορά ο σύλλογος της Ανορθωσις Αμμοχωστου θα έχει την ευκαιρεία να απόλαυσει το Γυναικείο τμημα Καλαθόσφαιρας της ομάδας μας στην πρώτη κατηγορία . > Περισσότερα θα ανακοίνωσουμε πολύ σύντομα . > Προεδρος Ανόρθωσις Αμμοχωστου – Καλαθόσφαιρα
Anorthosis - Famagusta BC annual Basketball Clinic
2018 Camp will be better than ever!
Anorthosis-Famagusta BC, will shortly announce its dates for the 2018 Basketball Clinic!
Annual Christmas Junior Tournament
Anorthosis Famagusta Basketball Vision
Our Philosophy
'At Anorthosis Basketball Club we are firm believers in cultivating the sport of basketball from a young age'
Each child in this school receives personalised attention in order to enhance their attributes whilst following a specific ‘syllabus’. This syllabus builds upon where the child left off the previous year, and lays the cornerstones of their player development the following year. This syllabus is uniquely designed by the Technical Director in conjunction with the Development Coach and consists of the following: strengthening and conditioning training programs, attribute development exercises, team play and game time simulations. All Anorthosis Basketball Club coaches, undergo regular coaching clinics and seminars in order to stay up to date with any new developments in the game.
Development Players
Competing Teams
Certified Coaches
Basketball Courts
Welcome to Anorthosis-Famagusta BC
In 2015, Anorthosis Famagusta – Basketball Club proudly announced its re-establishment of its activities that were halted after the Turkish Invasion of 1974. The club initiated its Advanced Development Program (ADP) for young athletes aged 4 to 18, with a clear structured 5 year plan. Currently our academy competes with 10 different teams in the respective age groups in the various Cyprus Basketball Federation leagues.

About Us
We are a Basketball Club that is commited to development and we work together cohesively towards a common goal, creating a positive atmosphere, and supporting each other to combine individual strengths to enhance team performance.

Our Mission
‘Our mission is to create fundamentally solid players, mentally and physically through teamwork, collaboration and trust which will help them exceed their comfort zone and reach their true potential.

Our Values
- Respect to each other.
- Never give up.
- Team above individual.
- Fun.

Personal attention to each player, attention to detail, patience and persistence and teaching that includes proffesional player’s presentations, exhibitions and video sessions, are an integral part of our development program.
“The most important measure of how good a game I played was how much better I’d made my teammates play” – Bill Russell
Advanced Development Program
Player Utilization
Players are always involved, Development happens continuously, both in training sessions as well as in games.Player Utilization – Attempts to achieve 100% player utilization.Players waiting on the sideline are kept to a minimum.
Physical Strengthening
The exercises are not only for physical endurance, but also help the player throughout the training schedule.
This is the foundation for our bodies, therefore we have qualified nutritionists that periodically present to the players as well as to the parents the benefits of a correct nutritional plan.
Task / Play Application
Tasks are explained and demonstrated each day to the players. The players in return execute the tasks to ensure that they have understood them correctly.
Promote team Play –One Ball 5 players.
Our A.D.P promotes team play, even in the most critical of moments of a tightly contested game. The most important aspect of basketball is the pass.
Corrective action – Process
Our A.D.P focuses on the process. Our coaches understand that if the player does not execute the exercises correctly, then they will not develop as a player.
Maximizing Players effort
Our A.D.P encourages the players to put in the maximum effort. We encourage our players to give more than 100% effort because we believe that in this way our players will learn to continuously improve their skills.
Entertainment & fun
Succesful training requires focus and concentration. Our A.D.P schedule varies in content in order to keep the players motivated, interested and most importantly entertained.
We stress the importance of discipline in order to keep the players focused. Each player responds differently to various actions to discipline.
Our A.D.P incoperates a plethora of experiences, from watching national teams playing live to discussing with professional players.
Our Basketball facilities are always kept clean and safe of any dangers. We have complete medical kits available at all times, and all our coaches have completed certified first aid courses.